Friday, April 16, 2010


Last few days was my husband's birthday. Early of the month he mentioned to me that he is goin to treat himself with great present this year. So despite our big need with the coming of our baby in next 2 months, i encourage him to splurge for himself.

So he get himself a new notebook, a new big aquarium and a new exotic fish. I never feel so satisfied to see the joy in his face when he got all that he wanted. I can see that i'm gonna encourage him do that every year for his birthday as he deserve it after working so hard and all this time he spend his earning mostly our household needs and me.

I love u darling! U deserve the best..

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


For a long time, i've gone many phases of isolation in my life..Once a fellow friend told me it's like wandering in the desert for a while and return with new resolution about anything in life.

For me, as life goes on, we catch up and adapt to changes in our life, gone are the days of studying, then, single days, couple days..through all of this, our personality evolve to suit the demand of the new role in life. However, for me one thing that i would never ever change are my friends..

Sometime it is impossible to keep the same pace with most of my friends, but i try to make myself up to date with their life. Most of the time, i miss them a lot as we live far apart from each other. i feel isolated sometime..left out from the circle. My life is less happening without friends around me. My husband sometime encourage me to add new friends that is more relevant to my stage now, as he said it will broaden my view and learn more. i agree to his point. Not to say my old friend are not as good, but in reality, it's hard to get in touch, and relate to them as now the miles and way of life has led us apart from each other.

well, i stay positive with my circumstances, and always try to make the best out of my life, and isolation is just another excuses i made to myself to express my loneliness..

in fact, i am still surrounded by the people i i guess, it's not tht bad after all.